Government of Assam  |  Labour Welfare Department
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Assam Building & Other Construction Worker's Welfare Board
ABOC logo


Building & Other Construction Workers (BOCW) are one of the most vulnerable segments of the unorganized sector workforce in India and are characterized by their inherent risk to the life and limb of the workers. The work is also characterized by its casual nature, the temporary relationship between employer and employee, uncertain working hours, lack of basic amenities and inadequacy of welfare facilities. To safeguards the interests of these workers, Government of India has enacted several exclusive and comprehensive labour legislations and few amongst them are “The Building and Other Construction Workers’ (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996” and “Building and Other. Construction Workers' Welfare Cess Act, 1996”.

For smooth implementation of the aforesaid Act, the Labour Welfare Department, Government of Assam along with the Commissionerate of Labour, Assam has formulated the following rules, viz. “The Building and Other Construction Workers' (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Assam Rules” in 2007 which was further amended in , 1996 in tandem with the directives issued by the Ministry of Labour, Government of India.The Assam Building and Other Construction Workers' Welfare Board (ABOCWWB) has been incorporated vide Notification No. GLR(RC)135/2007/22 dt. 12/02/08. According to Rule 253 and Sub-Rule 3 of the Assam Rules, 2007, the tenure of the ABOCWW Board is 3 years. The board is endowed with the responsibility of safeguarding the welfare, social security, and overall well-being of the Building and Other Construction Workers in Assam.


Officer 1 Image
Dr. B. Kalyan Chakravarty

IAS, Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Assam, Labour Welfare Department or his nominee

Officer 2 Image
Smt. Anamika Tewari

ACS, Labour Commissioner, Assam

Officer 3 Image
Smt. Ishanu Shah

Deputy Chief Executive Officer