Government of Assam  |  Labour Welfare Department
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Assam Building & Other Construction Worker's Welfare Board
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Benefits provided by the board

Assam BOCW board is currently administering around 13 different welfare schemes of which 12 schemes are ongoing and 1 scheme has been provided one-time as mentioned in the Section 22 (a) to 22(h) of the BOCW (RE&CS) Act.

Benefits provided by the board

Benefits provided by ABOCWWB Details of the benefit Eligibility
Death benefit The board may subject to the availability of Cess fund in the Board sanction an amount of Rs. 50,000/- to the nominees or dependents of a deceased member from the fund towards death benefit, in case of natural death. If the death is due to an accident in course of an out of employment as construction worker, the nominees or dependents of the member shall be paid Rs. 3,00,000/- towards death benefit subject to the availability of Cess fund in the board. Eligibility1
Funeral Assistance The Board may sanction an amount of Rs. 5000/- subject to the availability of Cess fund in the Board to the nominees/dependents of a deceased member of the fund, towards funeral expenses. Eligibility2
General pension A registered construction worker will be eligible for pension on completion of 60 years of age, provided he/she possesses up to date membership as a Construction worker and he/she has not ceased to be a construction worker under section 14 of the Act on any previous year. The pension will be become payable from the first day of succeeding month in which he completes his 60 years of age. The monthly pension shall be Rs.2000/- PM + Rs.100/- for every completed years of service from the year of his/ her registration. Eligibility3
Family pension In the event of the date of a pensioner (normal pensioner or disable pensioner as the case may be) family pension shall be given to the surviving spouse. The amount of pension will be subject to the availability of Cess fund in the board 50% of the pension received by the deceased pensioner. The occurrence of the death of the pensioner shall be informed before the concerned Registering Officer within 2 (two) months from the date of death. The spouse shall submit the application form with such documents as may be specified by the Board within 3 months from the date of death of the pensioner. Eligibility4
Disability Pension The board may subject to the availability of Cess fund in the Board sanction an amount of Rs. 2000/- per month and Rs. 100/- per month for every completed year of service from the year of registration as disability pension to a beneficiary who is permanently disabled due to accident in course of an out of employment as construction worker or due to paralysis, leprosy, T.B., renal failure, cancer, advance heart diseases and any other disability due to similar medical compulsion. In addition to this pension, the board may subject to the availability of Cess fund in the board also consider payment of Ex-gratia upto a maximum of Rs. 3.00 Lakh on case to case basis depending upon the extent of disability and the circumstances leading to such disability. Eligibility5
Transit Shelter – one time- (as per Model Welfare Scheme) Shelter provided to the registered BOC workers and their family members on minimal rentals. Eligibility6
Cash Award The board may subject to the availability of Cess fund in the Board institute cash award as incentive for pursuing higher education for the children of registered construction worker @ Rs. 5000/- , Rs. 4000/- and Rs. 3500/- to those children who score 75% or above, 65% or less than 75% and 55% or less than 65% respectively in HSLC, Assam High Madrassa and H.S. (Arts, Science & Commerce) examination of that particular year. Eligibility7
One time educational Assistance Class I to IV- Rs. 1500/-, V to VII – Rs. 2750/-, Class VIII to X- Rs. 4000/- Class XI to XII (including ITI)- Rs. 7000/-, Degree Course including ITI- Rs. 10000/-, Postgraduate or equivalent Classes including engineering/ Medical/ competitive examinations etc. Rs. 20000/- and apart from the Post Graduate Degree, if any children of the registered beneficiaries wishes to get higher study in the Govt. Institution of IIT/ Engineering/ Medical or in any higher study in the Government Institution- all expenses entitled. Eligibility8
Medical Assistance (a) The board may subject to the availability of Cess fund in the Board sanction financial assistance to the registered beneficiaries who have been working as construction workers for minimum 90 days in the preceding 12 months including his/her spouse, parent and two dependent children who are hospitalized in a hospital due to accident or any disease. The financial assistance shall be Rs. 1,000/- per day for the first 5 days and Rs. 200/- per day for the remaining days subject to a maximum Rs. 20,000/-. The Board may also consider payment of such assistance to the registered beneficiary who is not hospitalized but is orthopedically handicapped. (b)- If disability results due to an accident in course of and out of employment, the beneficiary shall be eligible for financial assistance as partial disability benefit at the rate of Rs. 25,000/-, Rs. 50,000/-, Rs. 75,000/- & Rs. 1,50,000/- subject to the availability of Cess fund in the Board on the percentage of disability upto 25%, upto 50%, upto 80% & more than 80% respectively. The percentage of disability is to be determined by the competent authority of the respective district. (c) critical disease of Rs. 1,50,000/- as financial assistance to the registered beneficiaries for his/her treatment of critical disease like Cancer, Cardiac problem leading to requirement of pace maker or heart surgery, failure of kidney (kidney transplantation). Liver cirrhosis, Leprosy as well as for any other critical disease determined and specified by the Board from time to time. Eligibility9
Maternity Assistance The woman workers who are registered under the Act, shall be entitled to Rs. 20,000/- as maternity benefits subject to the availability of Cess fund in the board and provided that the membership of the women worker as construction worker is valid as on date of application as per terms laid down in Rule 269 and she has not ceased to be a construction worker under Section 14 of the Act. Further the maternity benefit shall be allowed only for the 2 (two) children of the women workers who are registered under the Act. Eligibility10
Skill development training Skill development training for the registered BOC workers and their immediate family members Eligibility11
Marriage Assistance The registered construction worker having continuous membership of 5 years shall be eligible to get one time financial assistance of Rs.25000/- subject to the availability of Cess fund in the Board each upto two children for the marriage of their children Eligibility12
Covid Assistance-one time during pandemic Covid assistance of Rs.2000/- is disbursed to each of the registered construction workers during covid pandemic. Eligibility13